Who needs Tarzan when you've got two Janes? @taniaomotayo and @bankesu are December 13, 2014 Instagram Older Post He gets it from his uncle. Miss this kid. || #nycalling #babyzurich #uncleremi #doglover || By @nositaposita via @RepostWhiz app:This one is for Uncle Memi, he stopped his shoot to say hi to the dog ugh!!!! #PhotographybyEsohe #boyofbayonne #gearingupfor2(#RepostWhiz app) Newer Post Smile, it's Friday. Love this shot because this look was meant to be all "bosslady" toughness, and suddenly Ms. O breaks into fits of laughter. Definitely my favorite #outtake from the #ThisDayStyle shoot. || #fbf #NikeOshinowo #lnwno #portrait #smile #remiadetiba