Was saving this for the next #memewar, but have to one-up @kennyrodz with this shot of Foxy. #bitchezbelike #champagnebunnies #minieskie November 12, 2014 Instagram Older Post That's that #starletglow, @niyola. #josephinebaker #feathers #retro #showgirl #WCW #remiadetiba Newer Post My #badnewsbears: There are few things I love more than these three. They may not be as glamorous as @kemiadetiba's all-white kennel (unpack *that* for a think piece, someone), but I prefer them in all their scrappy awkwardness. Especially mama Nahla (who insists on being treated as a puppy, thereby making her shockingly unmaternal). I may mock Kemi for her awful pup-naming approach (case in point, dude on the left is named Baby), but I have to take the blame for dude on the right being named #HardToGet (hashtag and all). Began calling him that on one visit when he was a newborn, and by my next visit I found out it had stuck. Sad times. #doglover #feelslikehome #mamasboys #dograpalbumcover