By @oluchi1 via @RepostWhiz app:It's Remi DAY! Join me in wishing @remiadetiba HappyBirthday #ResidentJudge on @antmafrica (#RepostWhiz app) September 18, 2014 Instagram Older Post By @ade_dayo_ade via @RepostWhiz app:So…it's this dude's birthday today. And it's a landmark birthday. Happy birthday to my sister-wife/homie/bridesman/roll dawg! Here's to many more years and many more great times. @remiadetiba #RemiAdetiba(#RepostWhiz app) Newer Post By @bellanaijastyle via @RepostWhiz app:We are wishing a massive happy birthday to Fashion Photographer Remi Adetiba @remiadetiba Have a Blast Today!!!(#RepostWhiz app)