Happy Birthday, #BabyOprah. @wadamiamolegbe December 21, 2014 Instagram Older Post #tbt So apparently it was [redacted] years ago today that I "carried palm wine" for my bro to rescue a tiny little #Benin girl from a life of height-mediocrity (you're welcome, Nosa). Can't believe it's been [redacted] years already. Huge congrats @deleadetiba & @nositaposita. See you three soon. #glassraised #naijweddings #fromthepeoplewhobroughtyouBabyZurich #obnoxioussunglassesrequired #partofthelook #picsofyouthatarereallyaboutme Newer Post #latergram I've respected this man and his music for the last 20 years, so I was beyond pumped to shoot him yesterday. Razor-sharp humor and intellect had folks rolling all evening. (Also, good photobomb from his son, no?) #femianikulapokuti #femikuti #icon #heFoundHisLight #iDidnt #hashtagBlessedOrNah